Love Spells, Protection Spells, Money Spells Strong & Powerful

White Magic Spell for Love.

white magic spell for love
When one should go for White Magic Spell for Love. If your lover has lost his/her interest in you, if you are facing problems in your married life, there is no love or passion left in your relation or even if the person you love is ignoring you, in other words in any circumstances where you feel you are at the verge of losing your love you can go for this white magic spell for love.

White Magic Spell for Love.

White Magic Love Spells are the safest spells as they always help and give effective results. Here I will share with you a very simple white magic spell for love that will not only be simple and easy but also has given lots of positive results to many who have used this powerful white magic love spell.

When one should go for White Magic Spell for Love.
If your lover has lost his/her interest in you, if you are facing problems in your married life, there is no love or passion left in your relation or even if the person you love is ignoring you, in other words in any circumstances where you feel you are at the verge of losing your love you can go for this white magic spell for love.

This spell is a 40 days work. Yes once you will start the spell casting then slowly the spell will start showing its effects and in 40 days you will be able to experience the wonders of this spell.

The time of this love spell casting will be after sunrise. You can do it any time after sunrise and before sunset. After sunset you cannot do the spell casting.

You will need 40 sandal incense sticks. Remember 40 incense sticks are for 40 days like you will use once incense stick every day. So take one incense stick, sprinkle rose water on it. Light the incense stick and chant the name of the person you love followed by these words TRIKAAL LOVE ANOKHE PAAYAA MONI AKHAND and then take your name.

You will have to chant these words 360 times every day while the incense stick is burning. Now this is very important that while you are spell casting no negative or evil thoughts should come to your mind. Your intention must be pure and clear. Any evil thoughts will spoil the spell and even if one day you will do the mistake the whole cycle will be spoiled. Also once the incense is burnt , you will collect the ashes and dispose them in the sea or river.

This is the reason if you are not sure of spell casting or if you are not positive or confident that you can cast the spell on your own then don’t cast the spell as you will spoil the whole work. So if you wish to go for the white magic spell for love but you are not ready to cast yourself; then message me or email me and I will guide you with the same.

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